Further E-trainings on participative and empowering virtual collaboration piloted in SEE QI 8 project

Three stand-alone e-trainings implemented in the digital transformation component of the SEE QI 8 project on WB 6 response on Covid-19 address new concepts, methods and skills to enable participants to successfully organise and run virtual collaboration.

A year of extensive work from home and online has brought many changes, yet also opportunities for virtual joint actions. Accordingly, the SEE QI 8 e-trainings conducted by the PTB external consultant Suzana Lange aim at further elaborating and passing on knowledge and techniques to empower participants in their competences regarding virtual collaboration. The first training on how to organise and run engaging virtual events was already implemented twice in 2020. Two other trainings were piloted the first time in March 2021:

The e-training on March 12th , 2021 on conducting impactful virtual trainings and remote consulting (co-trainer: Heidi Dommaschke) focused on the collaboration between a trainer or adviser and individuals or groups. Thus, it targeted trainers, coaches as well as consultants. The aim was to base the collaboration on a better assessment of the initial needs of the target group, to mobilise interlocutors during the interaction and to stimulate an open and effective learning culture. As a successful virtual training requires well-conducted leadership, another e-training focused on successfully leading extended virtual collaboration (co-trainer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Bölz). It mainly targeted leaders of projects, committees or teams as well as facilitators and trainers who facilitate or lead longer collaboration processes. The e-training took place on 18th March and in contrast to the previous one dealt with conceptual changes in prolonged virtual work and collaborations rather than single (one-off) virtual events or meetings. Accordingly, the aim was to professionally establish the basis for a continuous virtual contact with colleagues, facilitate their interactions and keep up the motivation during online and offline collaboration phases

Screenshot of the presentation on the tools Co-Creation & Collaboration